
$100 Million Awarded to Troy, Michigan Family in Wrongful Death Suit

A family was awarded $100 million in a wrongful death suit — the largest settlement known for a wrongful death case in Michigan. The settlement stemmed from the 2005 murder of 20-year-old girl in Troy, Michigan.

At Bernard Law Group, we handle wrongful death lawsuits in Washington State every day. Call our attorneys at 1-800-418-8282. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In the Michigan case, the girl was beaten with a baseball bat and stabbed to death in her parents’ home by her boyfriend. He then put her body in a trash bag and into a garbage can. It was discovered in her family’s garage by police and her parents, according to the attorney for the girl’s parents.

The settlement was entered Monday — the third anniversary of her death.

The girl’s then 20 year old boyfriend was convicted of the murder in December 2006 and sentenced to life in prison.

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